Saturday 21 June 2014

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar will be the perfect complement to the diet for people who want to get rid of unwanted pounds. Containing essential nutritional supplements cider vinegar is used to speed up the process of weight loss and strengthening health. However, one of the important advantages of using apple cider vinegar in a diet is (note, Butterflies!) Significantly reduced the likelihood of unwanted yoyo effect, which is the bane of traditional weight loss methods based on reducing calorie intake.

I drank apple cider vinegar for some time. At first I thought I can not do - you have to admit that it tastes awful, but if anyone expected anything else?

My recipe:
2 x tablespoon of vinegar
1 - 0.5 cups of boiled water
Mix i .. to work! The first time may well clog, you have to simply overcome. My way of abolishing the taste is to prepare yourself in advance two quarters of tomato - I take big gulps so that the vinegar drink roughly 2-3 times, and each swallowing eat a quarter. Then it is better.

Apple cider vinegar is not recommended for people with sensitive stomachs or palates!

I am not able to determine the effect, because I used vinegar relatively short time, but after searching for a few sentences are actually clear - cider vinegar works. And this is probably the most important, right? :)

From today, I go back to drinking! 

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